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Interested in HTML, CSS, or starting your own blog? I'm here to help you!

I created this website to demonstrate and help others with HTML and blogging. It can be hard to get started with internet sources that display tutorials in an unappealing platform. With the use of color and a friendly navigation, I set to make this more accommadable for all.

What's the Difference between a Blog and a Website?

Simply, a blog is a type of website. A blog is more interactive and personal which engages users on a daily basis. Blog content is updated regulary, where as content in a website remains static. But, webites are more professional that provides and serves the function it was made for.

Making a Website

Explain how here

H3 This is where I begin topic




Example Link


lets trythis lmao
Testing 1234
Testing anddddd we still at this huh lol