max-width: 500px;
this will be the max-width you allow for your image (you can change this to whatever you would like as well)
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
these will allow you to center your image, if you don't want it centered do not include this in your code.
object-fit: cover;
this will allow the image to cover the area you designate
width: 100%;
this is the width of the image you want responsive which you can change
height: 100%;
this is the height of the image you want responsive which you can also change
Option #2 using % width and auto height
In these two examples there is 30% width and 80% width. (I added borders but feel free to remove them) You can change the width to whatever width you would like your image, and the height will scale itself on auto to fit the new dimmensions. If you don't want the images centered just remove "display: block; margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;." Also I named the img class ex2 and ex3 just for demonstration purposes you can rename it to whatever you'd like and of course change it to the image you want =p
• resize the browser to see the effects
This is 30% view width:
This is 80% view width: