How to add an icon next to website name in URL bar
Option #1
• If you notice next to my website URL there is this mini heart icon I made → 
• The icon should be small, the standard is 16x16 but I made mine 18x18 (in paint which is included with windows)
• This code below should go between the HTML < head > and < /head > tags in the beginning of your index.html page
• You can save your icon to whatever image format you want, I saved mine as icon.png
Option #2
• You can upload your personalized icon image to
Fav Icon Generator (
• This will change the icons format to .ico instead of png or whatever kind of image file you saved it as
• This code below should also go between the HTML < head > and < /head > tags in the beginning of your index.html page
Option #3
• You can make your own personalized icon image at
Fav Icon Maker (
• These images can be personalized using a letter or an emoji with font, font color, and size
• They provide the HTML code for you, or you have the option to download the image and upload it to your own server
• You will also put the code between the HTML < head > and < /head > tags in the beginning of your index.html page