Image overlay with text

• feel free to edit, change, do what you want to inspire you
• you can use these as scroll boxes or whatever you want to do with them
• you can save these images to your own server or direct link them
• only problem is I may move these images in the future but as for now they serve there purpose

If you use one or found this useful a link back is appreciated :3

The more I see, the less I know
The more I like to let it go
Hey, yo, whoa-oa, whoa
Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder
Where it's so white as snow
Privately divided by a world so undecided
And there's nowhere to go
In between the cover of another perfect wonder
Where it's so white as snow
Running through the field where all my tracks will be concealed
And there's nowhere to go

Cute place to put some text and stuff. Cute place to put some text and stuff.

Do you feel like you're getting cozy by the fire? Me too ^_^

do you feel it now mr. crabs?