Styling text with a border

If you use one or found this useful a link back is appreciated :3

Basic Text Borders

Basic text border examples are displayed here as solid, double, dotted, dashed, groove, ridge, inset, outset, and mixed:

A solid border to give you a creative spark ^_^

A double border to give you a creative spark ^_^

A dotted border to give you a creative spark ^_^

A dashed border to give you a creative spark ^_^

A groove border to give you a creative spark ^_^

A ridge border to give you a creative spark ^_^

An inset border to give you a creative spark ^_^

An outset border to give you a creative spark ^_^

A mixed border to give you a creative spark ^_^

The codes for solid, double, dotted, dashed, groove, ridge, inset, outset, and mixed border are here:

Cool Text Borders

adding cool borders here eventually :p