August 3, 2020

My life is like a game of poker, you know i’m all in.

I lost my third job today. (Yes I had three). Long story short, I’ve been on a medical leave of absence. This isn’t a job I need on my resume, BUT this was a job I had fun doing, it made me feel a l i v e.. Somethin' 'bout bein' by myself, makes me real and those who surround me experience this and have a change in perspective. NOW; what is my next step? Honestly, I don’t know.



"My real friends never hearing from me,
That's why I pick and choose,
I don't get shit confused.
I got a small circle,
I'm not with different crews,
We walk the same path,
but got on different shoes."
~ lil wayne - right above it.
xoxo your creative blog bitch

August 2, 2020


Rare that I ever do this, but something inside me was boiling. I always keep to myself and let things flow like nature intends. Looking back, this was upcoming. But, I smile like I mean it. IF YOU KNOW YOU’RE WORTH, YOU’LL DEFEND YOUSELF. Sometimes, some situations will lead you into different destinations. That’s the beauty of life. When you love someone you’ll do anything to make it work. But what happens when you stop breaking your heart for another person? You find yourself. You love yourself. You do these things coincidentally. It’s part of the PROCESS. I feel fucking free. I feel fucking beautiful, from the inside out. I feel like this is who I’M MEANT TO BE. Fuck those who don’t appreciate what a fucking GIFT YOU ARE; TO THIS WORLD AND TO THIS PLANET. Excuse my language, but this is HOW I FEEL. Caps lock intended.

August 1, 2020

I’m going to just type my feelings out.

I guess you can say I’m popular in real life, outside of this virtual hiding place where I conceal my inner thoughts. I’ve only revealed to a small number of people I made this site, to be frank. I’m definitely not interested in revealing my identity, name, or age anytime soon. But I will keep my face hidden in photos with sunglasses or a mask, until I feel comfortable enough with myself to move forward on this platform. Ironic, I know. But even if I make massive annoying updates and change things all the time, I feel like this is a judgement free zone. Originally I wanted to make this site featuring with HTML, CSS, Layout tutorials exc. I’ll probably keep doing that but I think I’m going to spend a majority of the time blogging my inner thoughts/feelings. I’ve forgotten how much I love writing about anything, and everything.
~Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.
Xoxo your creative blog bitch
July 30th, 2020

First personal blog entry

I was sweating so much at my doctors appointment today that the exam table I was sitting on encouraged the paper to stick to my leg. I believe I have high cortisol levels but that's just my personal hypothesis. I didn't notice until my aunt pointed out that they'd added glue traps for mice in the room as well. Strange isn't it? Wouldn't you think that they would hide those things for patients to not see upon waiting in an examination patient room. I'm thankful and lucky for my aunt to attend with me, she's literally my second mom. When the appointment was over I felt relief, but astoundingly enough my perspiration had led the paper to be stuck upon my leg. I don't mean a block of paper just stuck. No, it was so stuck that when I tried to take it off majority of little pieces stuck. They were left upon my leg like puzzle pieces with no place to go. Talk about embarrasing. My aunt and I tried to remove as much as we could. I wonder what the next person to enter the room would think to the mini pieces of paper on the floor. Perhaps they thought the rodents did it.
7/29/20 & 7/30/20

Hi guys, happy thursday.

- trying to figure out html previewssssss ^_0
- I don't think I can get it took like the way I "want" right now so HTML previews are gonna be on pause, lmao. I added a few content, but my whole layout scheme is bothering me. Once I have that down pat, I'll probably be more comfortable with posting content daily, without have to worry about going back to change/edit things. clearly if you look at might right menu it's not a happy camper.

- also thinking about getting rid of my chat box because it's making my page so slow to load -___- WHYYY. >.<
- now thinking I should only take photos of flowers to actually have a theme kind of looks akwardd


I'm gonna make this a personal blog with - - - -

some tutorials/graphics. Bare with me ^_^ while I update like a nut. MANYYYYY THANKS IN ADVANCE. Also, if you refresh my page you can see like 7 motivational quotes @ the top. I'm working on this/life. I wanted to code old school, not with wordpress/wix/exc. Thanks for your time and reading my mamajamba jambles of text.


sorry theres so many pix of olaf & me; just using it as a base example till i get this rollinnn.
xoxo your creative blog bitch