Personal Journal Entries
MAY 2021
• Well, I realized alot on my day off. I realized that I only write poetry when i'm feeling a certain type of way and have no other means to express myself but write in that format. I'll prob start posting my everyday life journal bs on my main page. I learned that certain fonts are only relative to desktops and not mobile browsers hours later, of course..
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive. <3
• I FINALLY feel like i'm able to relax. It's probably because it's Sunday and i'm not working or particulary doing anything productive I suppose. There's a hole in my sock but whatever. It's technically a holy day for those of you who are religious so, that's my excuse to keep my sock on. -lame pun intended, but atleast I can make myself laugh.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive. <3
• Well the doctor seemed nice yesterday even though my heart was pounding probably the whole time since I walked into that place. I'm looking forward to coming home after my shift to just relax honestly, I need it. I'm just super tired and my moms birthday is tomorrow. I bought her a gift but I don't think it's going to arrive on time, unfortunately. But atleast it's something she wants and I feel happy to be able to do that for her. I feel like I have more to say but I can't really fathom any other words at the moment. So, maybe i'll write more later.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive. <3
• I can't wait to get today over with and it didn't even start yet (as bad as that sounds). I can handle physical pain a lot better than I can handle emotional stress. I was driving home after work yesterday and ended up seeing a dead kitten on a service road. It's not the same area where I saw the other kitten but it made me sad. Life gives and takes. I also accidentally knocked over my baby tomato plant last night when turning off my light switch and it doesn't look like it's doing too well this morning. I wish I had more positive things to say this morning but I have all these anxious thoughts repeating in my head. I suppose a positive of today is I only have to work one shift at work. I wrote a bit of poetry last night but I don't feel like updating yet until i'm in a better mood.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive. <3
• I feel like i've been updating a lot more than usual, but it's probably since my tv is busted from the power outage. I'm going to replace it eventually, probably sometime next week. Once again, I look forward to having anxiety at my court ordered examination so once that's over with i'll probably be able to think more clearly. I think i'll make my journal page public one day, but for now I enjoy just keeping my personal thoughts for myself and the followers who care enough to read the random blurts of words I type. My cat peed on my bed again. It's technically not her fault, she is getting old but I don't know her real age because I got her as a stray. (but i think she's probably around 16 years old). It gets frustrating especially when I just did my laundry yesterday, to have to do laundry again but I guess it keeps me busy.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive. <3
• I SAVED A KITTEN IN SPEEDING TRAFFIC TODAY SO TODAY WAS AMAZING. I was driving and noticed this kitten weaving in and out of cars and pulled my car over. Luckily a nice lady stopped behind me and asked if everything was okay and then I explained why I stopped but we couldn't find the kitten. It ended up climbing underneath her car and took over a half hour to come out with the help of a nice mechanic across the street. I could have taken the kitten in to find it a good home, but the lady was sure she'd be able to take it. Overall, I feel like I did my good deed of the day and helped save a kittens life. I wish more days were as eventful as this!!!!
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive. <3
• I lost power for an hour yesterday which didn't bother me ironically until the power came back on. I didn't know that I needed a surge protector for my television and now everything is distorted with obscene colors. On the positive, it still works... I'll update more later.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive. <3
• I finally went through all the paperwork and scheduled an appointment with my lawyer tomorrow. Honestly... this literally sucks the life out of my soul. It's like all the bad memories of what happened comes rushing back and i'm reliving everything all over again. I just want this to be over with already and it seems never ending honestly. I have to go to a court ordered examination this week also. Purging these words temporarily makes me feel better, to say the least. Sometimes I wish I could just fast forward time but once again I have to learn to trust the process.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive. <3
• My last two shifts weren't bad at all; even though I felt I was struggling dearly inside my mind. I technically feel the need to relax the rest of saturday to begin paperwork tomorrow which will take me atleast two hours to go through. *sigh. On a positive note, I seem to feel stress is just a figure-some worry of the imagination (temporarily) until I lose my mind again without free space to think; to be frank. Another thought as I type.. [temporarily]. Intresting how the acronym ily is in temporarily; isn't it?
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive. <3
• I have to start my second shift of work relatively soon and I didn't really sleep well last night. My first shift was fine but now I feel like the lack of sleep is really getting to me before I start this shift. I made a coffee & I am still tired but i'm hanging on. I just received lawyer paperwork (long story short) and I have to go through alot of it. Positive note what happened wasn't my fault but the stack of paperwork I have to read makes my eyes seep into my head more than they already are. Honestly, I can feel my eyes stinging as I write this. I look forward to finishing my second shift already even though it didn't start yet (as bad as that sounds). Then I have to wake up at five o'clock tomorrow morning for another shift. Being busy keeps me sane, to say the least.. but i'm tired.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive. <3